We are Atvos, a company with more than ten years of experience in ethanol production, VHP (Very High Polarization) sugar and renewable electric power generation. We cultivate and harvest sugarcane in an area of 510 thousand hectares. We operate in four Brazilian states – Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo – with nine agroindustrial units, distributed in five productive poles.
We cultivate
and harvest
sugarcane in
an area of 510
thousand hectares,
equivalent to the size of
three cities of São Paulo
We transform sugarcane into products that generate sustainable energy to move electrical equipment, vehicles and the lives of millions of people.
VHP sugar
or hydrated ethanol
generated from
In the 2018/2019 harvest, our we identified the most relevant topics for our industry and business through a structured consultation process with 155 internal and external stakeholders. These themes integrate our strategy and our management and are in line with our challenges and opportunities in the short and medium terms.
See details of our
materiality process
in the website: www.atvos.com
Our Business Model is the structure of our activity for sustainable growth.
16,241 thousand ha
of preserved areas
1.5 million
tCO2 avoided
5.5 million
tCO2 avoided
by using our
99% of residue
or recycled
16,120 thousand m3
of recirculated/ reused water
10,526 members
at the end of the harvest
5,000 third parties
of training
trained in
R$4.3 billion
net revenue
R$610 million
of investments
mainly in
fields expansion
R$1.2 billion
in operating
cash generation
46 thousand new hectares cultivated in the harvest
4% increase in grinding losses compared to the 2017/2018 harvest
100% of harvesting operations and 96% of mechanized planting
10,842 MW of installed capacity, which represents 7,9% of sugarcane biomass fueled industries
Grinding capacity of 37 million tons of sugarcane
Capacity of:
of 700 thousand
tons of VHP sugar
of 3 billion liters
of ethanol
3.1 thousand GWh
cogeneration of
Increasing sugarcane productivity is the focus of constant attention on our business model as it directly impacts our costs, environmental aspects and the volume of ethanol, sugar and energy produced in agroindustrial units. Therefore, we seek the best agricultural techniques in order to increase the quantity and quality of sugarcane produced in each hectare.
The harvest had a great evolution: we registered a growth of 3.0% in our grinding in relation to the last harvest and reached the level of 26.7 million tons of sugarcane.
We continued our planting expansion plan and ended the harvest with 71,000 hectares, between our own and partner areas, of which 83% were renewed.
8% of growth
in the planting
26.7 million
tons of
ground sugarcane
At Atvos, we perceive compliance as an asset. We experience the maturity of our processes and evaluate the efficiency of our actions.
Our goal for the 2018/2019 harvest is to achieve level four maturity in ten of the 13 indicators of the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption. By developing 64 actions in various areas, including cross-cutting goals, we achieved our objective.
Apllication of the Integrity Program in the selection of member candidates.
Changes to our due diligence guideline to improve compliance aspects.
Creation of private social investment and sponsorship guidelines with clear rules.
Change of our entire structure to the SAP management system, which ensures greater process robustness and business security.
Development of conflict of interest guideline, which included training.
Review of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
We see the opportunity to act as agents of change for a sustainable low carbon economy. One of our fronts will be to act as catalysts of Law No. 13,576/2017, the National Biofuels Policy (RenovaBio), which aims to promote the expansion of production and use of biofuels in the national energy matrix. Through this initiative, Brazil will seek to achieve the 10% reduction in CO2 emissions from the national fuel matrix.
At Atvos the preparation for RenovaBio was started on the last harvest, with a study on the carbon and water footprint of hydrous ethanol production and internal study to assess the possible impacts of carbon pricing on our revenues, our investments and our operations that pointed to opportunities for financial gains.
Monitoring of the agendas related to the program
I-REC (Renewable Energy Certificate) Issuance of the Conquista do Portal Unit (UCP, in Portuguese)
Inclusion of reduction goal in the CEO’s action plan
Creation of an agenda with the financial area to simulate RenovaBio’s revenue impact
RenovaCalc manual creation, Renovabio’s carbon calculator
RenovaBio impact workshop for corporate office teams