Crop year 2019/2020


5.6 million tCO2 avoided through the use of our products


Founded more than ten years ago, Atvos Agroindustrial RJ operates in Brazil’s sugar-energy sector, producing ethanol and VHP (VeryHigh Polarization) sugar and generating renewable electricity from biomass, to help renew the Brazilian energy matrix and reduce its carbon footprint. 

We grow sugarcane in an area of 498,000 hectares and we transform it into products that generate sustainable energy in eight* industrial units, divided between five production hubs in four Brazilian states.

Alcídia unit – not operational.

Map of operations and highlights



tons of VHP sugar


hectares cultivated


.1 million

tons of sugarcane delivered
by 47 suppliers




tons of sugarcane crushed


.14 billion

liters of ethanol produced


GWh of electricity co-generated

5 production


9 agroindustrial

Camp Fire gathering image

2019/2020 crop yield

In the 2019/2020 crop year, we further expanded the Sugarcane Suppliers Program in line with our strategy for optimizing our resources and maximizing the use of industrial assets. We also observed maturity of process and results of investments made in the past years.

Record volume:
133.6 kg/hectare
of average total recoverable sugar (TRS)
65.9 average tons
of sugarcane per hectare (TCH)
R$34.3 million
in savings and 20% gains in productivity hours with the Cubo Project

Business Model

Natural capital
207,000 hectares of preserved areas*
5.6 million tCO2 avoided
97% of waste co-processed, sold, reused or recycled
17,169 thousand m³ of recirculated water
* Owned, land partners and sugarcane suppliers.
Human capital
10,038 employees (2019/2020)
4,822 mil contractors
307,000 man-hours of safety training
5,173 employees trained in compliance
Financial capital
R$4.5 billion in net revenues
R$933 million invested*
R$1,034 million in operating cash
* Includes expenditures with crop treatments of the ratoon cane
Social and relationship capital
Social Energy (accrued up to the 2019/2020 crop year):
81 projects
156,000 people benefited
R$25.8 million invested
R$702 million employed
47 partners
9.1 million tons of sugarcane delivered
R$513.5 million in expenditures with land partners
Operating performance
68,000 new hectares planted during the crop
26.9 million tons of sugarcane crushed
A record 133.6 kg/hectare of average ATR
Harvesting 100% mechanized
10,842 MW of installed capacity
37 million tons of sugarcane
700,000 tons of VHP sugar
3 billion liters of ethanol
3,100 GWh of electricity

Advances in compliance and risk management

In the 2019/2020 crop year, we recorded a series of advances in compliance and risk management, in line with our Business Culture and our policy on Compliance with Ethical, Honest and Transparent conduct:

Consolidation of Atvos Risk Matrix
with 31 macro risks identified
Intensification of internal
audit processes
5,173 employees
trained in compliance
4,129 members
trained in nine topics through our Daily Compliance Dialogues
100% of staff from Property Security
and other areas trained in compliance regulations
Complete external audit
of Risks and Compliance area’s processes and procedures

Vison of the future

Judicial reorganization plan

At the beginning of the 2019/2020 crop year we filed for judicial reorganization with the courts of the state of São Paulo for the purpose of financially restructuring the company to maintain our operations and protect our suppliers and partners. In the 2020/2021 crop year we moved ahead with the approval process for our reorganization plan, which will strengthen our capital structure and allow resumption of investments for the sustainability of our business.

Governance structure

Our Board of Directors was temporarily dissolved in the 2019/2020 crop year. The judicial reorganization plan approved by the creditors Atvos, which is still awaiting court approval, provides for our management to be restructured as follows:

  • Board of Directors with five members, two of them nominated by the shareholders and are three independents.
  • Chair of the Board to be elected by the directors.
  • Mandatory instatement of the following advisory committees to the Board:
  • Agriculture Committee: responsible for overseeing the Investment Plan and the Agricultural Development Plan.
  • Finance, Investment and Audit Committee: assesses financial risks of operations contracted or proposed and engage and supervise the work of external auditors.
  • Compliance Committee: to support a constant commitment to ethical, honest and transparent conduct aligned with the best practices, and applicable laws, standards and regulations.
  • People and Organization Committee: monitors the training of leaders and successors, compensation parameters and sustainability issues.

Agricultural and Financial Inspectors will also have to be employed and maintained until the judicial reorganization is over, to monitor and oversee operating and financial indicators and compliance with the reorganization plan.


The 2019/2020 crop year was also decisive for guaranteeing the accreditation of all the operating units in the National Policy onBiofuels, or RenovaBio. With an average energy efficiency score of 60 gCO2/MJ, almost all the sugarcane produced was audited and, as a result, we have the potential to issue over 2 million decarbonization credits (CBIOs) in the 2020/2021 crop year. 

So, we generated pre-CBIOs referring to sales of ethanol produced by the units at Conquista do Pontal (SP), Eldorado (MS), Santa Luzia (MS) and Rio Claro (GO). Looking ahead, we believe in the success of the program, which is at the forefront of pricing carbon, representing effective action in the fight against global warming. It will drive an energy matrix for cleaner transportation and, consequently, improve the quality of the air in Brazilian cities and the life of society.

Certification for RenovaBio

of all units
Potential for issuing 2 million CBIOS in the 2020/2021 crop year
Eligibility of 98% (sugarcane plantation area considered for certification)
Average energy efficiency score of 60 gCO2/MJ
Decarbonization credit for every 787 liters of ethanol produced
  • Increase in energy security
  • Predictability of investments in expanding the biofuels sector
  • More quality of life
  • Job creation (expansion of the biofuels sector)
  • Incentives for technological innovation
  • Reduction in emissions and improvement in the quality of the air
  • More biofuels in Brazil’s energy matrix
Atvos in RenovaBio
Key market player
  • Monitoring of regulatory aspects
  • Forecast of revenues and results
  • Hiring of an inspection company
  • Leadership engagement and training
  • Training for the teams at the hubs
  • Area eligibility studies
  • On-site visits
  • ANP certification
    • Sending of documentation
    • Clarifications
    • Public consultation
  • Creation of the RenovaCalc manual
  • Access as a primary issuer to the CBIO – Serpro platform
  • Issuance of pre-CBIOs

Contribution for sustainable development

Our actions are based on concepts aligned with global demands for sustainable development. Our Sustainability Policy links our challenges and strategies with market trends and good corporate practices. Our Business Model is correlated with important issues for Atvos, from an internal perspective and from the perspective of external stakeholders, which are aligned with the Global Compact Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

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